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Press Releases of InfraTec

Read InfraTec press releases and get the latest news about our thermal imaging cameras, pyroelectric detectors and infrared technology.

  • Detector LRM-254
    Great Potential Inside Small Dimensions
    InfraTec presents a miniaturized detector for the analysis of many gases

    Even smaller, even stronger – this is how we might describe the new LRM-254 detector by InfraTec in just a few words.

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  • Pyroelectric Detector LMM-274 and LIM-272 for Gas Analysis
    New Detectors in Single Supply Operation with High Sensitivity
    Pyroelectric Detector LMM-274 and LIM-272 for Gas Analysis now available

    Since 2014 new detectors LMM-274 and LIM-272 complete the product line with integrated CMOS preamplifier technology.

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  • Detector with integrated μFPF
    Fast and High-Resolution Gas Sensors for the Energy Industry
    Detection of Gas Concentrations by Means of Infrared Spectroscopy

    Changes in the energy industry have generated a great need for affordable, high-resolution sensors for the measurement of the energy content of natural gas and other fuel gases. At the same time, the demand for more efficient appliances for routine monitoring and leakage detection has also increased.

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  • Infrared detector LMM-274
    New Four-Channel Detector in Single-Supply Operation with High Sensitivity
    Pyroelectric Detector LMM-274 for Gas Analysis now available

    In 2002, a new product line with integrated CMOS preamplifier technology was successfully launched on the market.

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  • Pyroelectric detector LIM-272
    New dual channel detector in single supply operation with high sensitivity
    Pyroelectric detector LIM-272 for gas analysis available now

    The new LIM-272 low-power detector with two channels is the newest innovation by InfraTec. In addition to the measurement channel, a reference channel is also available.

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