The Swiss company relies on the WASTE‐SCAN infrared monitoring system from InfraTec for the early fire detection.
enables the simultaneous analysis of the thermal and mechanical behavior of test specimens in the materials and components testing field.
What will the energy supply of the future look like? The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald is dealing with this question.
The InfraTec engineers have now succeeded for the first time in integrating a tunable detector with Fabry-Pérot filter (FPI detector) into a TO39 package.
Pyroelectric detectors are ideally suited for gas analysis. Until now, this has been complicated if many gases should be measured. There were often simply too few measuring channels for this purpose. The new LRM-278 from InfraTec now offers exactly the right solution for this. Combining eight channels in a TO8 housing with a diameter of 15.2 millimetres this detectors is the first of its kind worldwide. As a result, the number of gases that can be measured with a single detector of this size has doubled in one fell swoop.