InfraTec is pushing ahead with the development of its high-end camera series ImageIR®. With two new models, the range of thermographic cameras with cooled FPA photon detectors is increasing once again for potential buyers that also search for detectors of different material (MCT, InSb).
When exchanging thoughts and ideas on the latest developments in thermal image and thermographic cameras, the discussions increasingly focus on the constantly growing data volumes. Now InfraTec contributes its own ideas for compressing thermographic measurement data in real time.
Enhance proven principles with new ideas – this is one of the recipes for success of InfraTec. The latest result of this approach are three thermographic cameras, which enhance the VarioCAM® High Definition camera series.
The thermal imaging cameras of the series VarioCAM® HD head from InfraTec are based on uncooled microbolometer FPA detectors of the latest generation, with up to (1,024 × 768) IR pixels.
On 24 June 2016, the InfraTec GmbH Infrarot und Messtechnik celebrated its 25th anniversary. A quarter of a century ago exactly to the day, the company received its entry in the Commercial Register.