Infrared Detector

Infrared detectors (also called infrared sensors or pyroelectric detectors) are optoelectronic components and represent the core element of gas analyzers, flame sensors, devices of spectral analysis, as well as non-contact temperature measurement. In DIN 1319-1, a detector is called a transducer, also known in Europe as a sensor, so that in the literature rather than referred to as an infrared detector, the terms infrared transducer and infrared sensor are often found.

InfraTec is specialized in the production of pyroelectric infrared detectors without cooling or temperature stabilization in a wide operating temperature range -55 ... 85 °C, capable of measuring the slightest amounts of infrared radiation (as little as a fraction of a nW) with wavelengths between 1 µm and > 25 µm. These infrared detectors are available in standardized housing types (TO18, TO46, TO5, TO39, TO8).

Sensor division InfraTec detectors overview

Prin­ciple of Infrared Radi­ation

The principle of infrared radiation is based on the physical phenomenon that any body of a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15 °C) emits electromagnetic radiation. There is clear correlation between the surface of a body and the intensity and spectral composition of its emitted radiation. By determining its radiation intensity the temperature of an object can thereby be determined in a non-contact way.

Infrared radiation is that part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is immediately adjacent to the red light (infrared light) of approx. 760 nm on the long-wave side of the visible spectrum and extends to a wavelength of approx. 1 mm.

Advant­ages of Pyro­elec­tric Infrared Detectors by InfraTec

As part of the family of thermal detectors, a pyroelectric detector, unlike semiconductor detectors (InGaAs, PbS, PbSe), are equipped with a highly efficient, absorbent black layer and thus has an extremely broad, spectrally and laterally homogeneous sensitivity. Semiconductor detectors achieve a higher specific detectivity than pyroelectric infrared detectors when operated with up to a wavelength range of 3 µm at room temperature.

Compared to thermopile detectors, which may also detect long wavelength infrared radiation at room temperature, a pyroelectric infrared detector by InfraTec is much faster and operates with significantly higher signal voltage, even without additional preamplification. Optimal conditions for pyroelectric detectors are at wavelengths between 2.5 and 25 µm and modulation frequencies 0.5 to 400 Hz.

InfraTec pyroelectric infrared detectors use special black layers for absorption and can therefore even be used as large-scale, long-term stable receivers of UV radiation (i.e. 193 nm), but can also be used for THz radiation in the range of 100 µm to 1 mm.

Infrared Detectors Offer

  • High flexibility in terms of the measurement substances

  • Application chemometric methods for multi-component analysis

  • Measurement of known compositions with overlapping bands

  • Identification of unknown substances

  • Cost-effective, robust and miniaturized solution

Comparison of different infrared detectors

The Infrared Detector in Use

The most common use of pyroelectric infrared detectors is for motion detection. Inexpensive pyroelectric ceramic sensors generally suffice for this purpose. Other applications include the non-dispersive infrared gas analysis (NDIR gas analysis) and infrared flame sensing and monitoring. In these areas, mainly high-quality, single-crystal lithium tantalate (LiTaO3) is used as a pyroelectric material. This also gives a long-term stable performance for the large signal-to-noise ratio. The use of pyroelectric infrared detectors for spectroscopy or radiometry is also possible.

Pyroelectric detectors in the NDIR gas analysis - Picture Credits: © Juergen Faelchle /
Gas Analysis

The range of applications of pyroelectric detectors for gas analysis is very extensive, ranging from environmental measurements to the detection of gas leaks, steel analysis and medical patient monitoring while under anesthesia.

Infrared Flame Sensor / Infrared Flame Monitoring - Picture Credits: © ttstudio /
Infrared Flame Sensor

Use InfraTec’s fail-safe and consistently stable pyroelectric detectors for detecting typical spectral radiation, which is caused by burning organic substances.

Infrared Spectroscopy
Infrared Spec­tro­scopy

In spectroscopes, very special pyroelectric detectors by InfraTec are used. Essential for this application are the uniform absorption characteristics over a wide wavelength range. This is made possible by a special absorption layer on the pyroelectric chip.

Pyroelectric detectors in the NDIR gas analysis - Picture Credits: © Juergen Faelchle /
Gas Analysis

The range of applications of pyroelectric detectors for gas analysis is very extensive, ranging from environmental measurements to the detection of gas leaks, steel analysis and medical patient monitoring while under anesthesia.

Infrared Flame Sensor / Infrared Flame Monitoring - Picture Credits: © ttstudio /
Infrared Flame Sensor

Use InfraTec’s fail-safe and consistently stable pyroelectric detectors for detecting typical spectral radiation, which is caused by burning organic substances.

Infrared Spectroscopy
Infrared Spec­tro­scopy

In spectroscopes, very special pyroelectric detectors by InfraTec are used. Essential for this application are the uniform absorption characteristics over a wide wavelength range. This is made possible by a special absorption layer on the pyroelectric chip.

Contact to sensir division of InfraTec

Would You Like to Know More?

It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our experienced engineers, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

United States
InfraTec infrared LLC5048 Tennyson Parkway Suite 25075024 PlanoUNITED STATES

Manu­fac­turing Excel­lence

All steps in development and production take place in our main building in Dresden, starting with development and simulation to design and prototyping to the volume production of detectors. Technologies are designed with redundancy and produce a complete in-house technological process. PVD, chip and wire bonding and product measurements are automated, what removes the variations of the manual manufacturing. This results in a constant high quality in all fields, even with the most demanding manufacturing and testing processes.

InfraTec pyroelectric infrared detectors use polished double sided LiTaO3 single crystals as a polyelectric material, which due to a specific process, produces very thin (25 µm), highly sensitive, low-noise pyroelectric chips in an automated batch process.

Infrared Detectors from InfraTec

Single channel detectors from InfraTec

Single Channel Detectors

Single-channel for gas analysis, flame detection and radiometry.

  • TO18 or TO39 housing

  • Thermal compensation

  • JFET or CMOS amplifier

PYRONEER-High-Performance-Detectors - Group

PYRONEER – High-Performance Detectors

Detectors based on LiTaO3 or DLaTGS for analytical instruments and spectroscopy.

  • High performance

  • Flat spectral response

  • Precious metal black coating

InfraTec products IR filter

IR Filters for Infrared Detectors

On the following page you will find information about the filters integrated in our infrared detectors.

Technology Consulting and Product Management

Consulting & Product Management

We are happy to advise you individually and discuss possible special applications of our pyroelectric detectors.

Detector Search

InfraTec offers different product groups including approximately 50 standard pyroelectric detectors. Detectors with reduced microphone technology and integrated operational amplifier as well as digital detectors are part of our product range.

Choose your suitable infrared detectors with the help of our detailed detector search.

Sensor division InfraTec detectors overview

Other Glossary Items relating to an IR Detector

Interference filter from InfraTec

Interference Filter

Interference filters are components, which can be specified well for this filter capacity. Typical characteristics of an in interference filter are the transmission, central shaft length, bandwidth and blocking.

Infrared sensors from InfraTec

Infrared Sensor – IR Sensor

An infrared sensor (IR sensor) is a radiation-sensitive optoelectronic component with a spectral sensitivity in the infrared wavelength range 780 nm … 50 µm. IR sensors are now widely used in motion detectors, which are used in building services to switch on lamps or in alarm systems to detect unwelcome guests.

InfraTec prism - Picture Credits: © / ktsimage

Infrared Radiation – IR Radiation

Infrared radiation describes electromagnetic waves in the spectral range between visible red light and longer-wave microwave radiation.

Pyroelectric detector from InfraTec

Pyroelectric Detector

A Pyroelectric detector is an infrared sensitive optoelectronic component which are specifically used for detecting electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range from 2 to 14 µm.