Since 2007, the eralytics company has been developing and manufacturing analytical instruments for quality control in the mineral oil as well as the flavor and fragrance industry. One of the multi-fuel analyzers is ERASPEC. It allows the measurement of different properties of fuels. ERASPEC is equipped with a pyroelectric detector from InfraTec - the special detector LIE-312.
ERASPEC, the portable multi-fuel FT-IR spectrometer for fuel analysis, measures a spectrum in the mid-infrared range and provides highly accurate results of up to hundred fuel parameters such as benzene, oxygenates as well as complex properties such as octane numbers within a few seconds. ERASPEC convinces with its ease of use and at the same time provides access to the entire range of information. As a portable device, it can be used in stationary and mobile labs and in outdoor operation. Measurements are taken during fuel production, blending and quality control of petrol, diesel, jet fuel and biofuels, among others.
Public authorities, for example, use ERASPEC in mobile laboratories to combat fuel adulteration. Because of its size and robustness, the analyzer is predestined for on-site use to test for petrol contamination or fuel quality.
Compared to instruments that use a similar principle, eralytics' measurement devices focus on simplified operation while providing the full range of information. Furthermore, the instruments can be used to predict fuel properties (in addition to composition) within a single measurement of 1-2 minutes, whereas full-scale analysis of these properties would require additional equipment and, most importantly, time (~30-60 minutes per analysis).
ERASPEC uses the special detector LIE-312 from InfraTec to record an FTIR spectrum of different fuels and complies with common international standards. The use of compact components thus creates the conditions for a portable measuring device while guaranteeing highly precise measurement results. Even at low frequencies, InfraTec's pyroelectric detector has a very high detectivity and an extremely low response time.
In addition, the pyroelectric crystal inside the LIE-312 is coated with a metal black layer. This enables uniform absorption over the entire wavelength and the recording of different infrared spectra over a wide wavelength range.
Furthermore, different window materials are available for the LIE-312, as the choice of material depends on the measurement task.
Other reasons for using a pyroelectric detector from InfraTec are the customer-oriented support and service provided by InfraTec, the price-performance ratio and the reasonable delivery time.
Over the years, eralytics has grown steadily to meet consequently the needs of its customers. The main focus of eralytics' instruments is to reduce complexity and develop intuitive, easy-to-use instruments that deliver fast results with maximum precision and reliability in the laboratory and on-site in mobile laboratories.
One advantage of pyroelectric detectors is the versatility of their applications. Detecting and analyzing gases and gas mixtures, investigating the material composition of organic and inorganic compounds, monitoring flames – all this is of great importance in a wide range of industries. Selected examples will help you to get to know some of the possible applications and, at best, to gain valuable ideas for solving your own measurement and testing tasks.