1. Thermal Imaging
  2. Applications
  3. Explosion and Combustion Processes

Thermography for the Analysis of Combustion and Explosion Processes

Explosion and combustion processes are highly dynamic processes with big temperature changes. In order to be able to comprehensively analyse and optimise these processes high-performance thermography systems have to be used.

Explosion of a firework
Ignition of a match on the striking surface of a matchbox
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Thermography for the Combustion Analysis

Analysis of Combustion Processes

In combustion analysis highly dynamic sequences of combustion processes are visualised and analysed by recording temperature distributions and their temporal change with a thermal camera contact free and without feedback effects. As a result, hotspots and anomalies, among other things, can be identified, which enable conclusions concerning inefficiencies or the detection of safety issues. By using thermography, not only process optimisations are made possible, but safety risks for people and the environment are reduced as well.

Ignition of a match on the striking surface of a matchbox
Ignition of a match on the striking surface of a matchbox
The applications for thermography cameras in the field of combustion analysis are many and varied as a result:
  • Analysis of the temperatures and their distribution in combustion furnaces

  • Optimisation of internal-combustion engines and their components

  • Monitoring of temperatures on moving parts of turbines and compressors

  • Analysis of heat transfers in exhaust systems

  • Analysis of burner components for cracks or corrosion

  • Characterisation of fuels (e.g. in respect of their ignition properties)

  • Conclusions for energy saving potentials

Thermography Systems for the Combustion Analysis

In order to be able to record dynamic temperature changes precisely the thermography camera used has to have very short integration times and a wide temperature measuring range. These requirements are met by the infrared cameras of the ImageIR® camera series by InfraTec. Moreover, these cameras come with a Multi Integration Time Mode and the High Dynamic Range function for achieving exceptionally wide temperature measuring ranges. This allows a interrupt-free and consistent thermographic analysis of objects which can have a very large temperature gradient of up to several 100 K. By up to two integrated, motor controllable filter wheels these cameras are perfectly applicable in spectral thermography as well. As a result, up to 35 different filter combinations are available and directly accessible by the remote control of the camera. Time-consuming filter changes are a thing of the past now. The performance of the cameras is further expanded by assorted precision telephoto lenses for high-grade measurements at large measurement distances, but also by the option of combining them with close-up lenses to analyse combustion processes inside measuring chambers at high-resolution. Temperature stabilised protective housings and the possibility of integrating the fully automated operation in an existing software environment complete the spectrum of beneficial features for the combustion analysis.

Flame particles without through-flame filter – recorded with ImageIR® 9400
Flame particles with through-flame filter – recorded with ImageIR® 9400
Example of Application

Thermography for the Analysis of the Properties of Fuel Mixtures

Using thermography fuel mixtures which in liquid form are injected into the combustion chamber and ignited there, can be characterised in their ignition and combustion properties. This occurs with a variation of a great number of defined environmental conditions. To evaluate the respective mixtures the effects of the ignition spark, droplet size and distribution and also the flame transient and stagnation behaviour are observed, analysed and optimised using a high-speed thermography camera. The convenient and rapid analysis of the measurement data generated makes for a combustion chamber design with a more efficient combustion and longer service life. 

What occurs in the individual processes and which insights are possible with the aid of thermography?

1. Analysis of the Ignition Sparks

With a high-speed thermography camera, it is possible to examine the maximum temperature of the spark, the spark size and the progress of the spark discharge. The effects of the most significant physical properties of the spark on the ignition of the combustion can be deduced from them. As a result, subject to the fuel mixture and concentration, it is possible, for example, to optimise the influence of the spark temperature, the active surface area and the position in the combustion chamber.

2. Analysis of the Injection System/Monitoring of the Fuel Injection

In typical internal-combustion engines for liquid fuels the efficiency of the ignition and combustion essentially depend on the size and distribution of the fuel droplets. That is why it is necessary to thermally analyse the injection processes of fuels. A very efficient method is the use of a special high-end thermography camera which is precisely synchronised with the injection cycle and whose spectral sensitivity range is concentrated on the measurement task. A good injection system sprays the fuel into the combustion chamber consistently and continuously. Thermography can be used to detect deviations that impair the efficiency of combustion.

Analysis of the injection system/monitoring of the fuel injection
Analysis of the injection system/monitoring of fuel injection

3. Examination of the Combustion Dynamics/Combustion Reaction

Involved here is the observation of the process before the ignition point and the study of the behaviour of the maximum temperature and the total energy released, which results from the combustible surface area. The temperature peaks influence the combustion process and can even produce acoustic instabilities.

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

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Analysing Explosion Processes Using High-speed Thermography

InfraTec thermography - High temperature: airbag unfolding
Stages of airbag exhaust gas deployment

Thermography is a contact free and very efficient measurement method without feedback effects, which is commonly used to observe and analyse thermodynamic processes running in explosions. Thanks to the image presentation of the radiation emitted during the explosions by suitable thermography systems radiation distributions and their changes can be visualised, measured, recorded and comprehensively analysed and documented with the corresponding software.

Using high-end thermographic solutions the heat distribution throughout and after the detonation of explosives can be visualised and recorded and thereby the energy released can be analysed. Moreover, thermography makes it possible where required to measure the flame propagation speed and the combustion efficiency.

Deflagration of black powder taken with ImageIR® 8800 hp and 50 mm lens
Deflagration of black powder just 0,3 seconds after the start, taken with ImageIR® 8800 hp and 50 mm lens
Deflagration of black powder taken with ImageIR® 8800 hp and 50 mm lens
Deflagration of black powder a couple of seconds afterwards, taken with ImageIR® 8800 hp and 50 mm lens

Thermography Systems for the Analysis of Explosion Processes

Just as in the case of combustion analysis, very brief integration times are required in the analysis of explosions to be able to record the intensely dynamic temperature changes without smearing effects. The thermography systems from InfraTec can also be equipped with application-specific spectral filters. Motor driven filter wheels make it possible to choose out of up to 35 filter combinations with a mouse click in the software and to adjust the camera quickly to changed measurement conditions. For images of explosions with large-scale expansions which are rich in detail thermography systems are available with a geometric resolution up to (2.560 x 2.048) IR pixels. InfraTec provides a wide selection of interchangeable lenses of different focal lengths up to 200 mm and options for motor-driven focussing including various autofocus modes. With the High Dynamic Range (HDR) function a temperature measuring range of -20°C to 3,000°C can be achieved. 

The insights derived from the measurement data help, among other things, in the preparation and review of safety protocols for explosive materials or in the calculation of the amount of explosive required. explosive Materialien oder bei der Berechnung der notwendigen Sprengstoffmenge.

Thermal Imaging Cameras for high Temperature Measurement

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9400 hp

Image Format(2,560 x 2,048) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9400 hs

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8800

Image Format(1,280 x 1,024) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8300 hs

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeT2SLS or InSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8300

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT or InSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8300 hp

Image Format(1,280 x 1,024) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT or InSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

ImageIR® 9100

Image Format(1,280 x 1,024) IR Pixel
Detector typeInGaAs

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

ImageIR® 8100

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeInGaAs

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 5300

Image Format(320 x 256) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT

Advantages of Thermography in this Application

InfraTec thermography - High-speed Mode

High-speed Mode – Increase Frame Rate and Sens­it­ivity

Due to the binning technology, infrared cameras have two speed modes – the standard mode and the high-speed mode, in which the frame rate increases more than three times. The field of view remains constant in both modes, so the scene captured by the camera does not change. In high-speed mode, the thermal resolution also increases by a factor of two.

Thermal image during ignition of an airbag  Image Small

Window Mode (Subwin­dowing) – Capture of Rapid Sequences

The thermal imaging camera can be operated in full, half, quarter and sub mode. With the camera control software, it is possible to use the extended subwindowing function. Using click-and-drag, freely definable sections can be set up quickly and conveniently. A defined sub-frame of the detector is picked out to achieve these extremely high refresh rates.

Thermography with ImageIR series - HDR feature - Picture credits: © iStock.com / Vershinin M

HDR – Simultaneous Mapping of Wide Temperature Ranges

The High Dynamic Range (HDR) function of the Infrared ImageIR® camera series enables measurement scenarios with extremely different temperatures to be recorded continuously. When recording in HDR mode, multiple thermograms with different integration times and different filters are recorded quickly in succession and compiled into an overall image with a high dynamic range. The measuring range can span up to 1,500 K. Users obtain high-contrast images in a wide temperature range characterized by high measurement accuracy.

HighSense for thermographic camera series ImageIR®

High­Sense – Always the Optimal Camera Setting

Thanks to HighSense, ImageIR® users have the option of setting up individual measuring ranges based on the factory calibration that best suit the respective task. Depending on the measuring task, the required temperature range can be selected and the optimum integration time for this purpose is calculated – or one decides to proceed in reverse order. Thus, the calibration can be retained even in the case of changed integration times.

Integ­rated Trigger / Process Inter­face and Inter­faces – Digit­ally Controlling of a Infrared Camera and External Devices

The internal trigger interface guarantees highly precise, repeatable triggering. Each of the two configurable digital inputs and outputs are used to control the camera or to generate digital control signals for external devices. In this way, for example, the operation of a printed circuit board and the interval of a measurement can be synchronised.

The selection of different camera interfaces allows the processing of analog data, such as the voltage directly through the camera and thus the insertion of this information into the thermal image data. Relevant variables can be included in the evaluations with the software, which makes it easier to draw conclusions about the causes of temperature changes.

Significantly extended temperature range using the MIT function

Multi Integration Time (MIT)

To measure temperatures spanning more than one calibration range requires the acquisition of multiple thermograms with different calibrations. This can be achieved by using our Multi Integration Time feature (MIT). This function increases the dynamic range up to 16 bit and significantly extends the temperature measurement ranges.

InfraTec Service Calibration Rig

Auto Calibration

The Auto Calibration option expands the HighSense function to include automatic, dynamic adaptation of the integration time. This ensures the utmost temperature measuring accuracy and an optimised signal-to-noise ratio throughout the process. The wellfill of a detector is usually optimal in certain areas of the dynamic range. If the measured object signal is outside theses or user-specified limits, the integration time is readjusted.

InfraTec glossary - Rotating filter- und aperture wheel

Separate Filter & Aper­ture Wheel – Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

The combination of a separate filter and aperture wheel, allowing a total of 35 freely selectable combinations, is prerequisite for a universal application in measurement tasks with high object temperatures and in the field of spectral thermography. The neutral density filters used for signal attenuation or the combination of spectral filters and apertures reliably prevent interference effects.

InfraTec Service - thermography lenses

High‐performance Infrared Lenses

High quality precision lenses allow the adaptation of the image geometry to almost every measuring situation. Its performance parameters are calibrated with respect to functionality, quality and flexible application. Due to proper IR-transparent lens materials and high-precision antireflexion coating, the lenses are optimised for different spectral ranges.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Thermografie-Kameraserie ImageIR® mit neuer 10 GigE-Schnittstelle

10 GigE Inter­face for a Strong Increase in Output

The 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface of the high-end camera series ImageIR® opens this extremely fast transmission standard with a NIC specially developed by InfraTec. This works with optical or electrical transceiver modules that are easy to change and are called SFP+.

InfraTec thermography - High-speed Mode

High-speed Mode – Increase Frame Rate and Sens­it­ivity

Due to the binning technology, infrared cameras have two speed modes – the standard mode and the high-speed mode, in which the frame rate increases more than three times. The field of view remains constant in both modes, so the scene captured by the camera does not change. In high-speed mode, the thermal resolution also increases by a factor of two.

Thermal image during ignition of an airbag  Image Small

Window Mode (Subwin­dowing) – Capture of Rapid Sequences

The thermal imaging camera can be operated in full, half, quarter and sub mode. With the camera control software, it is possible to use the extended subwindowing function. Using click-and-drag, freely definable sections can be set up quickly and conveniently. A defined sub-frame of the detector is picked out to achieve these extremely high refresh rates.

Thermography with ImageIR series - HDR feature - Picture credits: © iStock.com / Vershinin M

HDR – Simultaneous Mapping of Wide Temperature Ranges

The High Dynamic Range (HDR) function of the Infrared ImageIR® camera series enables measurement scenarios with extremely different temperatures to be recorded continuously. When recording in HDR mode, multiple thermograms with different integration times and different filters are recorded quickly in succession and compiled into an overall image with a high dynamic range. The measuring range can span up to 1,500 K. Users obtain high-contrast images in a wide temperature range characterized by high measurement accuracy.

HighSense for thermographic camera series ImageIR®

High­Sense – Always the Optimal Camera Setting

Thanks to HighSense, ImageIR® users have the option of setting up individual measuring ranges based on the factory calibration that best suit the respective task. Depending on the measuring task, the required temperature range can be selected and the optimum integration time for this purpose is calculated – or one decides to proceed in reverse order. Thus, the calibration can be retained even in the case of changed integration times.

Integ­rated Trigger / Process Inter­face and Inter­faces – Digit­ally Controlling of a Infrared Camera and External Devices

The internal trigger interface guarantees highly precise, repeatable triggering. Each of the two configurable digital inputs and outputs are used to control the camera or to generate digital control signals for external devices. In this way, for example, the operation of a printed circuit board and the interval of a measurement can be synchronised.

The selection of different camera interfaces allows the processing of analog data, such as the voltage directly through the camera and thus the insertion of this information into the thermal image data. Relevant variables can be included in the evaluations with the software, which makes it easier to draw conclusions about the causes of temperature changes.

Significantly extended temperature range using the MIT function

Multi Integration Time (MIT)

To measure temperatures spanning more than one calibration range requires the acquisition of multiple thermograms with different calibrations. This can be achieved by using our Multi Integration Time feature (MIT). This function increases the dynamic range up to 16 bit and significantly extends the temperature measurement ranges.

InfraTec Service Calibration Rig

Auto Calibration

The Auto Calibration option expands the HighSense function to include automatic, dynamic adaptation of the integration time. This ensures the utmost temperature measuring accuracy and an optimised signal-to-noise ratio throughout the process. The wellfill of a detector is usually optimal in certain areas of the dynamic range. If the measured object signal is outside theses or user-specified limits, the integration time is readjusted.

InfraTec glossary - Rotating filter- und aperture wheel

Separate Filter & Aper­ture Wheel – Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

The combination of a separate filter and aperture wheel, allowing a total of 35 freely selectable combinations, is prerequisite for a universal application in measurement tasks with high object temperatures and in the field of spectral thermography. The neutral density filters used for signal attenuation or the combination of spectral filters and apertures reliably prevent interference effects.

InfraTec Service - thermography lenses

High‐performance Infrared Lenses

High quality precision lenses allow the adaptation of the image geometry to almost every measuring situation. Its performance parameters are calibrated with respect to functionality, quality and flexible application. Due to proper IR-transparent lens materials and high-precision antireflexion coating, the lenses are optimised for different spectral ranges.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Thermografie-Kameraserie ImageIR® mit neuer 10 GigE-Schnittstelle

10 GigE Inter­face for a Strong Increase in Output

The 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface of the high-end camera series ImageIR® opens this extremely fast transmission standard with a NIC specially developed by InfraTec. This works with optical or electrical transceiver modules that are easy to change and are called SFP+.

Industries & Applications for this Infrared Camera

spectral ir thermography
Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

Using precision filters for specific applications you will measure exactly those spectral ranges being of interest to you.

high-speed thermography
High-Speed Ther­mo­graphy

Get even faster and analyze temperatures at highest process speeds.

All branches and application areas