Ther­mo­graphy in Chem­ical Industry

The high-quality infrared cameras from InfraTec provide more efficient values ​​for the various applications in chemical companies.

  • Contactless temperature measurement of chemical processes

  • Insulation testing of reactors

  • Liquid level monitoring of tanks by applying infrared camera systems

Chemical Industry - rotary kiln
thermal imaging at a biogas plant
Control of a pipeline systems
Chimney of an industrial stack
Survey of a chemical plant
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Applic­a­tion of Infrared Camera Systems for Contact­less Temper­ature Meas­ure­ment of Chem­ical Reac­tions

Flare stack control

Chemical reactions are endogenous or exogenous proceedings resulting in heat flow. Imaging of temperature distribution by means of thermal imaging does not only allow punctual measuring of heat flows, but also enables analyses of entire process chains. Contactless measurement brings additional advantages since measuring of reacting chemicals is possible in the first place respectively connections to multiple contacting temperature sensors can be left out.

Case Studies in Chem­ical Industry

Monitoring the Surface Temperature on Curing Epoxy Resin Samples - Picture credits: © AdobeStock / wichientep

Monit­oring the Surface Temper­ature on Curing Epoxy Resin Samples

Epoxy resin systems are mostly used as a matrix material in fibre composites. In a variety of manufacturing processes, the corresponding resin system is processed in a flowable state. The material only acquires its rigidity in a subsequent curing process. This is characterized by an exothermic chemical reaction with a pronounced temperature dependence.

InfraTec thermography reference - Thermal Ceramics - Picture credits: © / JazzIRT

Ther­mo­graphy for Insu­la­tion Checks

All kind of hot industrial processes need to be contained well to allow the process itself to go on and at the same time to protect neighbouring installations and employees working there. Thermography helps to detect weak points and provides first indications for necessary repairs.

Production in the plastics industry

Industrial Thermography

In the chemical industry, thermography is used for the inspection of plants, the monitoring of processes and the early detection of overheating. Sauer Engineering offers infrared measurements with infrared cameras from InfraTec.

Monitoring the Surface Temperature on Curing Epoxy Resin Samples - Picture credits: © AdobeStock / wichientep

Monit­oring the Surface Temper­ature on Curing Epoxy Resin Samples

Epoxy resin systems are mostly used as a matrix material in fibre composites. In a variety of manufacturing processes, the corresponding resin system is processed in a flowable state. The material only acquires its rigidity in a subsequent curing process. This is characterized by an exothermic chemical reaction with a pronounced temperature dependence.

InfraTec thermography reference - Thermal Ceramics - Picture credits: © / JazzIRT

Ther­mo­graphy for Insu­la­tion Checks

All kind of hot industrial processes need to be contained well to allow the process itself to go on and at the same time to protect neighbouring installations and employees working there. Thermography helps to detect weak points and provides first indications for necessary repairs.

Production in the plastics industry

Industrial Thermography

In the chemical industry, thermography is used for the inspection of plants, the monitoring of processes and the early detection of overheating. Sauer Engineering offers infrared measurements with infrared cameras from InfraTec.

Asso­ci­ated Ther­mo­graphic Auto­ma­tion Solu­tions

Automation InfraTec INDU-SCAN - In-process industrial temperature measurement
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Process Control – INDU-SCAN

Contactless measurement of temperature distributions and profiles with industrial thermographic cameras permits efficient monitoring and control of temperature-dependent processes and procedures within a system-integrated quality assurance programme in industry.

Quality control for more precision in press hardening PRESS-CHECK
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Quality Control or Press Hardening – PRESS-CHECK

Check the microstructures of sheet metal parts during the stamping process and establish a uniform high strength and quality of all produced stampings safely and with a contact-free method.

WELD-CHECK by InfraTec
Non-destructive Testing

Welding Inspec­tion – WELD-CHECK

Using pulse thermography, WELD-CHECK enables you a quantitative assessment of the inspected welds.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture credits: © / Im-Yeongsik
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Early fire detection WASTE-SCAN with thermal imaging
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Waste Bunker Fire Monitoring – WASTE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Automatic object monitoring system IROD
Observation & Investigation

Site Surveillance – IROD

Calibrated measuring cameras offer the option of a completely automated site surveillance by utilising temperature alarms – an approach well beyond the simple and susceptible motion detection systems used elsewhere. With IROD InfraTec offers a scaleable, powerful system solution.

Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT protective housing
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

IR Substation Monitoring – GRID-DETECT

The IR Substation Monitoring System GRID-DETECT uses infrared technology to monitor the temperature of substation components to secure the reliability of substation.

Automation InfraTec INDU-SCAN - In-process industrial temperature measurement
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Process Control – INDU-SCAN

Contactless measurement of temperature distributions and profiles with industrial thermographic cameras permits efficient monitoring and control of temperature-dependent processes and procedures within a system-integrated quality assurance programme in industry.

Quality control for more precision in press hardening PRESS-CHECK
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Quality Control or Press Hardening – PRESS-CHECK

Check the microstructures of sheet metal parts during the stamping process and establish a uniform high strength and quality of all produced stampings safely and with a contact-free method.

WELD-CHECK by InfraTec
Non-destructive Testing

Welding Inspec­tion – WELD-CHECK

Using pulse thermography, WELD-CHECK enables you a quantitative assessment of the inspected welds.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture credits: © / Im-Yeongsik
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Early fire detection WASTE-SCAN with thermal imaging
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Waste Bunker Fire Monitoring – WASTE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Automatic object monitoring system IROD
Observation & Investigation

Site Surveillance – IROD

Calibrated measuring cameras offer the option of a completely automated site surveillance by utilising temperature alarms – an approach well beyond the simple and susceptible motion detection systems used elsewhere. With IROD InfraTec offers a scaleable, powerful system solution.

Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT protective housing
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

IR Substation Monitoring – GRID-DETECT

The IR Substation Monitoring System GRID-DETECT uses infrared technology to monitor the temperature of substation components to secure the reliability of substation.

Public­a­tions of our Customers

Thermal performance of a solar high temperature thermochemical reactor power by a solar simulator, Tingting Ma et al., Changzhou University

Infrared Camera: VarioCAM® HD head 980

In situ reactor to image catalysts at work in three-dimensions by Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction, Amélie Rochet et al., Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM)

Infrared camera: ImageIR® 8300

Technical design note: differential infrared thermography of methane jets, Hendrik Golzke et al., Robert Bosch GmbH

Infrared Camera: ImageIR® 6300

Dynamics of dust events in the graphite Plasmaphysics, Santanu Banerjee et al., Institute for Plasma Research Gandhinagar

Infrared Camera: ImageIR® 5325

Infrared Thermography for Monitoring of Freeze-Drying Processes: Instrumental Developments and Preliminary Results, Håkan Emteborg et al., Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)

Infrared Camera: VarioCAM® Series

Thermometry of intermediate level waste containers using phosphor thermometry and thermal imaging, J.L. McMillan et al., National Physical Laboratory Teddington

Spatiotemporal Investigation of the Temperature and Structure of a Pt/CeO2 Oxidation Catalyst for CO and Hydrocarbon Oxidation during Pulse Activation, Florian Maurer et al., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Testing of Reactor Insu­la­tion with Ther­mo­graphy

Reactor monitoring with thermal imaging

Reactors in chemical industry are strongly insulated in order to ensure the required reaction temperatures while protecting the environment against too high temperatures. Reactor insulations as well as any of their supply pipes and discharges have to meet highest requirements and must be checked in the respective way. Infrared camera systems provide a quick and detailed overview on leakages.

Liquid Level Monit­oring of Tanks by Means of Infrared Camera Systems

Liquid and foamed chemicals are often kept in tanks. For this purpose, thermography provides an opportunity to monitor the liquid level of tanks. The temperature difference between the area containing liquids or foams and the empty one above is used for detection with thermal camera systems.

InfraTec chemical industry - fill level of a tank

Advant­ages of this Ther­mo­graphy Solu­tions in this Applic­a­tion

ATEX, explosion protection

ATEX-certi­fied Protective Hous­ings

As a supplement to other monitoring systems, InfraTec offers thermographic systems that have ATEX-certified protective housings and pan/tilt systems. Depending on the requirement, these can be used in different protection zones for the gas and dust area. ATEX-compliant protective housings and pan/tilt systems are used in numerous areas.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Thermografie-Kameraserie ImageIR® mit neuer 10 GigE-Schnittstelle

10 GigE Inter­face for a Strong Increase in Output

The 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface of the high-end camera series ImageIR® opens this extremely fast transmission standard with a NIC specially developed by InfraTec. This works with optical or electrical transceiver modules that are easy to change and are called SFP+.

InfraTec glossary - ImageIR® mobile wireless camera remote control

Mobile Wire­less Camera Remote Control

Stationary camera systems are usually used PC-controlled. Alternatively, InfraTec offers a solution that makes the operation of the camera system even more versatile. An additional tablet PC is attached to the camera housing, which enables wireless control of all camera functions. The display solution allows access to all functions of the IRBIS® online control and acquisition software, delivered together with the camera.

InfraTec glossary - Rotating filter- und aperture wheel

Separate Filter & Aper­ture Wheel – Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

The combination of a separate filter and aperture wheel, allowing a total of 35 freely selectable combinations, is prerequisite for a universal application in measurement tasks with high object temperatures and in the field of spectral thermography. The neutral density filters used for signal attenuation or the combination of spectral filters and apertures reliably prevent interference effects.

ImageIR filter wheel replacement

Multispectral Feature

The multispectral feature makes it possible to record sequences with constantly changing spectral filters. Images are recorded synchronously with a rapidly rotating filter wheel equipped with the filters. It may be possible to switch between up to seven filters, depending on the version. Due to this the multispectral measurement can be optimised to suit the measuring task if the preset ranges are unsuitable. The integration times can be adapted within the limits calibrated for this filter.

InfraTec Service Calibration Rig

Auto Calibration

The Auto Calibration option expands the HighSense function to include automatic, dynamic adaptation of the integration time. This ensures the utmost temperature measuring accuracy and an optimised signal-to-noise ratio throughout the process. The wellfill of a detector is usually optimal in certain areas of the dynamic range. If the measured object signal is outside theses or user-specified limits, the integration time is readjusted.

ATEX, explosion protection

ATEX-certi­fied Protective Hous­ings

As a supplement to other monitoring systems, InfraTec offers thermographic systems that have ATEX-certified protective housings and pan/tilt systems. Depending on the requirement, these can be used in different protection zones for the gas and dust area. ATEX-compliant protective housings and pan/tilt systems are used in numerous areas.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Thermografie-Kameraserie ImageIR® mit neuer 10 GigE-Schnittstelle

10 GigE Inter­face for a Strong Increase in Output

The 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface of the high-end camera series ImageIR® opens this extremely fast transmission standard with a NIC specially developed by InfraTec. This works with optical or electrical transceiver modules that are easy to change and are called SFP+.

InfraTec glossary - ImageIR® mobile wireless camera remote control

Mobile Wire­less Camera Remote Control

Stationary camera systems are usually used PC-controlled. Alternatively, InfraTec offers a solution that makes the operation of the camera system even more versatile. An additional tablet PC is attached to the camera housing, which enables wireless control of all camera functions. The display solution allows access to all functions of the IRBIS® online control and acquisition software, delivered together with the camera.

InfraTec glossary - Rotating filter- und aperture wheel

Separate Filter & Aper­ture Wheel – Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

The combination of a separate filter and aperture wheel, allowing a total of 35 freely selectable combinations, is prerequisite for a universal application in measurement tasks with high object temperatures and in the field of spectral thermography. The neutral density filters used for signal attenuation or the combination of spectral filters and apertures reliably prevent interference effects.

ImageIR filter wheel replacement

Multispectral Feature

The multispectral feature makes it possible to record sequences with constantly changing spectral filters. Images are recorded synchronously with a rapidly rotating filter wheel equipped with the filters. It may be possible to switch between up to seven filters, depending on the version. Due to this the multispectral measurement can be optimised to suit the measuring task if the preset ranges are unsuitable. The integration times can be adapted within the limits calibrated for this filter.

InfraTec Service Calibration Rig

Auto Calibration

The Auto Calibration option expands the HighSense function to include automatic, dynamic adaptation of the integration time. This ensures the utmost temperature measuring accuracy and an optimised signal-to-noise ratio throughout the process. The wellfill of a detector is usually optimal in certain areas of the dynamic range. If the measured object signal is outside theses or user-specified limits, the integration time is readjusted.

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

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It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

United States
InfraTec infrared LLC1900 West Loop South Suite 155077027 HoustonUNITED STATES

Infrared Cameras for Chem­ical Industry Applic­a­tions

InfraTec Infrared camera
Zoom Cameras

ImageIR® 6300 Z

Image Format(640 x 512) IR-Pixel
Detector typeXBn

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8300 hs

Image Format(640 x 512) IR-Pixel
Detector typeT2SLS or InSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
Zoom Cameras

VarioCAM® HD Z

Image Format(1,024 x 768) IR-Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9400 hp

Image Format(2,560 x 2,048) IR-Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

ImageIR® 9100

Image Format(1,280 x 1,024) IR-Pixel
Detector typeInGaAs

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

ImageIR® 8100

Image Format(640 x 512) IR-Pixel
Detector typeInGaAs

InfraTec Infrared camera
Compact Cameras

PIR uc 605

Image Format(640 x 480) IR-Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9500

Image Format(2,560 x 1,440) IR-Pixel
Detector typeMCT

InfraTec Infrared camera
Zoom Cameras

VarioCAM® HD Z security

Image Format(1,024 x 768) IR-Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

Asso­ci­ated Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions

thermal imaging for asset inspections

Plant Inspec­tion

Using infrared camera systems and thermographic software by InfraTec will make you more efficient and more productive.

thermal imaging for security tasks

Security Applications

For observation tasks for applications - like investigation, remote surveillance, border guard and the protection of critical infrastructure - powerful infrared cameras are becoming increasingly indispensable today.

All branches and application areas