1. Thermal Imaging
  2. System Solutions
  3. Non-destructive Testing

Non-destructive Testing

Anyone who wants to selectively control their production, must detect disturbances in the production at an early stage. Non-destructive testing by means of thermography provides important insights into the quality of compounds (e.g. layered compounds) or allows you to detect cavities even before the finished product is available.

Non Destructive Testing - Picture Credits: © RAM / Fotolia.com

Active Ther­mo­graphy as a Process for Non-destructive Testing

The essential feature of active thermography is the targeted supply of energy to the test object. A temporal and spatial characteristic heat flow results depending on the geometry and thermal properties of the test subjects. Its progression on the surface of the test object is captured by a thermographic camera.

The cooled high-end camera series ImageIR® and uncooled microbolometer cameras of the latest generation of the VarioCAM® series are particularly suited for depicting the resulting temperature distributions. The geometric resolution of up to (2,560 × 2,048) IR pixels, high refresh rates as well as exact triggering and thermal sensitivity well below 0.015 K provide the technical requirement for detecting the smallest material defects. 

Rely on infrared thermography for non-destructive testing, benefit above all from the variable application of the process for different materials and material combinations. You can detect very different defects. This includes defects in joints, cavities, cracks or faulty joints. Thanks to such qualities, active thermography has firmly established itself as an efficient method for contactless and non-destructive testing in recent years.

Ther­mo­graphic Auto­ma­tion Solu­tions by InfraTec

PV-LIT test solution for solar cells
Non-destructive Testing

Photovoltaic Test System – PV-LIT

Get advantages in costing and quality by non-contact thermographic testing of your solar cells and PV-modules.

E-Lit Cabinet from InfraTec for Infrared Thermography
Non-destructive Testing

Electronic / Semiconductor Testing – E-LIT

Detect inhomogeneous temperature distribution and local power loss during the production using the Lock-in Thermography.

WELD-CHECK by InfraTec
Non-destructive Testing

Welding Inspec­tion – WELD-CHECK

Using pulse thermography, WELD-CHECK enables you a quantitative assessment of the inspected welds.

Thermographic automation brake test bench - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / ktsimage
Non-destructive Testing

High-Speed Rotation Test Bench – TRC

Check for long-life fatigue strength of mechanical components in load tests, using high-end infrared cameras.

PV-LIT test solution for solar cells
Non-destructive Testing

Photovoltaic Test System – PV-LIT

Get advantages in costing and quality by non-contact thermographic testing of your solar cells and PV-modules.

E-Lit Cabinet from InfraTec for Infrared Thermography
Non-destructive Testing

Electronic / Semiconductor Testing – E-LIT

Detect inhomogeneous temperature distribution and local power loss during the production using the Lock-in Thermography.

WELD-CHECK by InfraTec
Non-destructive Testing

Welding Inspec­tion – WELD-CHECK

Using pulse thermography, WELD-CHECK enables you a quantitative assessment of the inspected welds.

Thermographic automation brake test bench - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / ktsimage
Non-destructive Testing

High-Speed Rotation Test Bench – TRC

Check for long-life fatigue strength of mechanical components in load tests, using high-end infrared cameras.

Applic­a­tion Areas

  • Quality assurance for bonded, welded, soldered and other joints by means of cavity detections (e.g. on vehicle interior parts) 

  • Detection of material defects in composites and cracks in metals

  • Quality assurance of intermediate products (e.g. layered compounds)

  • Localisation of defects in joints such as cavities, defective welding seams/points

  • Assessment of thermal cutting and injection processes

  • Testing of metallic and non-metallic materials/material compounds

  • Tests of internal structures, such as fractures or impacts in honeycomb lightweight constructions

Non-destructive Testing: Bene­fits of Using Ther­mo­graphy

  • Effective prevention of test scrap

  • Contactless testing with low thermal stress

  • Meaningful depiction of the defects

  • Simple analysis of large, uneven surfaces

  • Categorisation of different types of defects

  • Extensive testing already on one-sided test

InfraTec service

Service Features

Beside high-end thermographic cameras, we offer a high-class service. Whether your camera needs a recalibration, you are looking for accessories or want to call our specialists in case of a malfunction – we are ready to assist.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

Consulting & Project Analytics

Benefit from many years of experience of InfraTec with thermal imaging by using our comprehensive consulting and service offer.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

InfraTec service

Service Features

Beside high-end thermographic cameras, we offer a high-class service. Whether your camera needs a recalibration, you are looking for accessories or want to call our specialists in case of a malfunction – we are ready to assist.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

Consulting & Project Analytics

Benefit from many years of experience of InfraTec with thermal imaging by using our comprehensive consulting and service offer.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

Fairs and Trade Shows



2025-03-27 - 2025-03-27
Bremen, Germany

Presentation by Torsten König
"Hochauflösende Infrarot-Kameratechnologie für die Thermografie an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen"
Time: 11:40 am

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Logo PCIM Europe

PCIM Europe

2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Nuremberg, Germany

Vortrag von Steffen Sturm

"Lock-In Thermography for Failure Inspection in Electronics"

Zeit: 06.05.2025, 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Exhibitor Stage, Halle 5/ 215



2025-03-27 - 2025-03-27
Bremen, Germany

Presentation by Torsten König
"Hochauflösende Infrarot-Kameratechnologie für die Thermografie an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen"
Time: 11:40 am

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Logo PCIM Europe

PCIM Europe

2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Nuremberg, Germany

Vortrag von Steffen Sturm

"Lock-In Thermography for Failure Inspection in Electronics"

Zeit: 06.05.2025, 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Exhibitor Stage, Halle 5/ 215

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