Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion - FIRE-SCAN

Fire protection with thermography solutions for companies and the environment

  • Surveillance of open areas and warehouses with fire detection and prevention systems

  • Thermal imaging cameras timely detect and locate critical temperature conditions

  • Contactless, high-resolution temperature measurement at great distances for early fire detection and prevention

  • Automatic documentation and alerting

  • Monitoring objects and fire even in case of smoke and dusty air

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture credits: © iStock.com / Im-Yeongsik
Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / Cylonphoto
Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture credits: © iStock.com / billdoss
Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture credits: © iStock.com / PaulGrecaud
Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN
Monitoring seaports with FIRE-SCAN - © iStock/pat138241
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Thermography Systems for Early Fire Protection

Ther­mo­graphic System FIRE-SCAN for Early Fire Detec­tion

Early fire detection system FIRE-SCAN enables capturing of critical temperature indoor and on open-air grounds at an early stage and is optimised for early fire detection. An automatic calibration with threshold values results in prompt alerting up to automated fire fighting. However, should a fire break out, FIRE-SCAN provides an additional option for monitoring the area surrounded by fire even in case of smoke or formation of dust. Thus, fire fighting can be supported very effectively by the fire detection system.

Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN

High Thermal and Spatial Resol­u­tions of Integ­rated Infrared Camera Assure Success

The application of high-performance infrared cameras for early fire detection systems allows a detection of smallest pocket of embers due to their high spatial resolution, meaning a sufficient number of pixels. In case of an insufficient number of pixels for the to-be-monitored area, it is possible to integrate further infrared cameras into the system FIRE-SCAN without any problems. The fire detection system’s sphere of action can be additionally expanded at a constant spatial resolution by mounting the infrared camera onto a remote-controlled Pan-tilt head. Besides the infrared camera’s spatial resolution, which meets highest requirements, the infrared camera system also features an optimised thermal resolution. Only this combination makes it possible to detect smallest temperature changes or hidden pockets of embers at an early stage. As may be necessary, this information will be displayed in control room or directly integrated into the available control system.

Early Fire Detec­tion in Hazardous Areas: Systems with ATEX Certi­fic­a­tion

The fire detection system FIRE-SCAN is applied, for example, in the chemical industry. The development of explosive gas-air mixtures represents a central hazard there. Therefore, system components that have a certification in accordance with the ATEX Directive are used for such applications. These are primarily protective housings for thermal imaging and visual cameras, pan/tilt systems and electrical distribution systems. They are suitable for deployment in potentially explosive areas 1 and 2.

ATEX, explosion protection

Case Studies for FIRE-SCAN Solu­tions

InfraTec WUN Bioenergie Woodpelletstorage

Fire Protec­tion in Wood Pellet Storage

Wood pellets as an alternative and high-quality fuel have become increasingly important in recent years. Their local origin from sustainable cultivation in the region has given WUN Bioenergie GmbH the opportunity to respond to market demand as an environmentally friendly supplier of raw materials. However, like other fuels, stored wood pellets need to be secured and monitored around the clock to prevent causes of devastating damage in the event of a fire, for example. Robust and reliable thermography solutions are a suitable tool for plant protection here.

InfraTec - WASTE-SCAN ARC Copenhagen - © ARC amager ressource center

Early Fire Detec­tion in Incin­er­a­tion Plant

The Amager Resource Center (ARC) is a waste incinerator like no other. From the roof of the Waste to Energy facility, skiers and snowboarders wind their way down on green plastic mats from a height of about 80 meters, even in the summer. The city hall of the Danish capital, Copenhagen, is just five kilometres away. The location, which is almost in the heart of a European capital, as well as its use as a public leisure centre, shows how much confidence operators place in the safety of the ARC. An important component in the security concept is the WASTE-SCAN infrared monitoring system for early fire detection by InfraTec.

InfraTec ZMS Müllkraftwerk Schwandorf Twin System Waste Bunker

WASTE-SCAN Against “Black Clouds”

Many tons of waste are bunkered and processed every day in waste recycling plants. It is not uncommon for this to contain highly flammable materials. If ignition sources get into this storage area, for example during delivery, there is an acute risk of fire. Therefore, waste incineration plants are subject to the strictest fire protection requirements in order to prevent endangering the environment and local residents. For this reason, an extremely important preventive measure is the permanent monitoring of the waste bunker and, if necessary, the surrounding areas.

Industrial plant - Picture credits: ewg3d / iStock.com

WASTE‐SCAN 4.0 – Ther­mo­graphic Meas­ure­ment and Monit­oring in Plant Oper­a­tion

In the age of Industry 4.0, the demands on system suppliers are growing, not just with regard to the primary measurement and monitoring tasks, but also with regard to data networking and structure. To meet these demands, InfraTec has developed a platform‐independent internal data structure, which represents both the measurement and alarm data as well as the measurement sequences. Interfaces to control systems of leading suppliers, e.g. via TCP/IP in the PROFINET, Modbus, CC‐Link and many other versions, can be achieved flexibly and economically. The proprietary Gigabit Ethernet data interfaces of fast infrared thermography camera heads permit real‐time data analysis and evaluation.

Event On Demand

Thermographic Warehouse Monitoring for Fire Prevention

  • Thermography in early fire detection: challenges, important parameters and their influence

  • FIRE-SCAN for thermographic warehouse monitoring

  • FIRE-SCAN for monitoring Lithium-ion batteries

  • High resolution infrared cameras with pan/tilt heads

  • Special infrared cameras for stationary installation

Thermographic Warehouse Monitoring for Fire Prevention
Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

Would You Like to Know More?

It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

United States
InfraTec infrared LLC1900 West Loop South Suite 155077027 HoustonUNITED STATES

Powerful FIRE-SCAN-Soft­ware

  • Continuous display of current thermal images of all sections (mosaic-overview)

  • Simultaneous display of live image (thermal image and colour video)

  • Camera and system status indication

  • Merging of live images of thermographic and video camera

  • Recording of maximum, minimum and average temperature of each section

  • Single or multiple-camera system available

  • Graphics of temperature-time profile of all sections

  • Logging of operations

  • Filing of image data

  • Detecting and marking of sources of interference, e.g. wheel loaders

Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN

Alarm Release

  • Automatic alarm release when temperature values exceed critical thresholds

  • Multi-level alarm functions with adjustable warning and alarm threshold values

  • Analysis of long-term temperature trend with adjustable time basis

  • Documentation of alarm situations for analysing fire formation

  • Wide range of system versions due to modular design concept

Product Flyer

Get all the information you need at a glance in our product flyers

InfraTec WASTE-SCAN Flyer

Use FIRE-SCAN for These Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions

Monit­oring Seaports with Infrared Cameras

Monitoring ports brings with it a multitude of challenges. For example, a very large unclear area must always be kept completely in view. The goods of regularly arriving ships are also monitored for safety purposes during loading and unloading. Furthermore, the weather conditions – especially at seaports – are changing permanently.

Thermal imaging cameras effectively round off a complex security system in addition to visual cameras, security services, and ship and port personnel. They enable 24/7 monitoring, function even in the most adverse environmental conditions, allow the reliable measurement of temperatures of people and vehicles, infrastructure buildings and equipment, as well as cargo and stored goods even over long distances.

FIRE-SCAN is particularly suitable for monitoring mass and bulk materials in order to detect dangerous fire pockets or heating at an early stage. High geometrical resolution of the infrared camera in the monitoring system, combined with its installation on pan/tilt heads, allows targeted and detailed observation of particularly critical monitoring sectors in detail.

Monitoring seaports with FIRE-SCAN - © iStock/Sean Pavone

Advant­ages of FIRE-SCAN for Seaports Monit­oring

  • Detection of heating before the fire occurs

  • Technical features: Use of radiometric zoom cameras, such as the VarioCAM® HD Z

  • This camera with optical 6x zoom allows you to keep an overview of large areas as well as to quickly zoom in on critical or conspicuous areas and immediately inspect them in great detail

  • Multiple cameras at different locations

  • Localisation of the slightest temperature changes even at great distances and in adverse visibility conditions

  • Powerful software with automatic alarm triggering when critical thresholds are reached

Further Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions

thermal imaging for security tasks

Security Applications

For observation tasks for applications - like investigation, remote surveillance, border guard and the protection of critical infrastructure - powerful infrared cameras are becoming increasingly indispensable today.

thermal imaging in chemical industry

Chem­ical Industry

Systematically control reactive process heat and display with infrared camera systems of InfraTec.

All branches and application areas

More Ther­mo­graphic Auto­ma­tion Solu­tions for Site Surveil­lance

Early fire detection WASTE-SCAN with thermal imaging
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Waste Bunker Fire Monitoring – WASTE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Automatic object monitoring system IROD
Observation & Investigation

Site Surveillance – IROD

Calibrated measuring cameras offer the option of a completely automated site surveillance by utilising temperature alarms – an approach well beyond the simple and susceptible motion detection systems used elsewhere. With IROD InfraTec offers a scaleable, powerful system solution.

InfraTec thermography - electronics li-ionen-battery - Picture credits: © Fishman64 / Shutterstock.com
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN for Li-Ion Batteries

Monitor assembly halls and storage facilities fully automatically 24/7 and detect critical heat sources reliably.

Early fire detection WASTE-SCAN with thermal imaging
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Waste Bunker Fire Monitoring – WASTE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Automatic object monitoring system IROD
Observation & Investigation

Site Surveillance – IROD

Calibrated measuring cameras offer the option of a completely automated site surveillance by utilising temperature alarms – an approach well beyond the simple and susceptible motion detection systems used elsewhere. With IROD InfraTec offers a scaleable, powerful system solution.

InfraTec thermography - electronics li-ionen-battery - Picture credits: © Fishman64 / Shutterstock.com
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN for Li-Ion Batteries

Monitor assembly halls and storage facilities fully automatically 24/7 and detect critical heat sources reliably.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

InfraTec Service – Technical Support

Our Company’s own service department accompanies you even with complex automation solutions far beyond the actual sale. In the event of malfunctions, your enquiry is forwarded directly to the employees via a hotline. By remote maintenance, you will receive an initial diagnosis. Together with you, we analyse the cause of the problem and quickly find a solution.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

InfraTec Service – Technical Support

Our Company’s own service department accompanies you even with complex automation solutions far beyond the actual sale. In the event of malfunctions, your enquiry is forwarded directly to the employees via a hotline. By remote maintenance, you will receive an initial diagnosis. Together with you, we analyse the cause of the problem and quickly find a solution.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

Infrared Cameras for FIRE-SCAN

InfraTec Infrared camera
Zoom Cameras

VarioCAM® HD Z

Image Format(1,024 x 768) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HD head 900

Image Format(2,048 x 1,536) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
Compact Cameras

PIR uc 605

Image Format(640 x 480) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HDx head S

Image Format(640 x 480) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

PIR uc LWIR 600

Image Format(640 x 480) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled microbolometer focal-plane array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HDx head 600

Image Format(640 x 480) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HD head 800

Image Format(1,024 x 768) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

Fairs and Trade Shows



2025-03-27 - 2025-03-27
Bremen, Germany

Presentation by Torsten König
"Hochauflösende Infrarot-Kameratechnologie für die Thermografie an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen"
Time: 11:40 am

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Logo PCIM Europe

PCIM Europe

2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Nuremberg, Germany

Vortrag von Steffen Sturm

"Lock-In Thermography for Failure Inspection in Electronics"

Zeit: 06.05.2025, 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Exhibitor Stage, Halle 5/ 215



2025-03-27 - 2025-03-27
Bremen, Germany

Presentation by Torsten König
"Hochauflösende Infrarot-Kameratechnologie für die Thermografie an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen"
Time: 11:40 am

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Logo PCIM Europe

PCIM Europe

2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Nuremberg, Germany

Vortrag von Steffen Sturm

"Lock-In Thermography for Failure Inspection in Electronics"

Zeit: 06.05.2025, 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Exhibitor Stage, Halle 5/ 215

Show all events