1. Thermal Imaging
  2. System Solutions
  3. Observation & Investigation
  4. IR Substation Monitoring – GRID-DETECT
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

GRID-DETECT – Monit­oring System

The IR Substation Monitoring System GRID-DETECT uses infrared (IR) technology to monitor the temperature of substation components to secure the reliability of substation. Thermography cameras in combination with visible cameras and pan-tilt head observe the substation area and thus allow predictive maintenance.

Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT protective housing

The temperature measurements are made fully automatically without the need of any manual interaction. The system GRID-DETECT automatically raises a warning and alarm if an adjustable temperature threshold is passed. This prevents dangerous substation component failures and saves the reliability of the entire substation. GRID-DETECT automatically tracks the temperature development of different substation elements. This allows reducing maintenance costs, failures and unplanned outage of substation. GRID-DETECT comes with highly reliable components in a flexible structure and thus, is easily adaptable to the different situations and operational modes in substations.

Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT software

System Features

  • Full automatic operation

  • Reliable alarm release at defined pre- and main alarm limits

  • Merging of IR- and VIS-image for better orientation

  • Temperature trend recording and analysis

  • Customized system alignment and adjustment

  • Parameterization, supervision, operation, display, evaluation and playback in the GRID-DETECT software

  • Decentralized monitoring of system status and measured values

  • Recall of all recorded data for comparison and optimisation

  • Easy to operate data presentation in the substation network

  • Remote access from Master Control Center

Bene­fits of the System

  • Complete automatic thermographic temperature screening of substation on 24/7 basis

  • Early detection of equipment failures with maximum range and highest resolution (640 × 480) / (1,280 × 960) IR pixels

  • Reduction of maintenance costs, failures and outage of substation

  • Saves investments and long term operating ability of your substation

  • Flexible structure for customized adaption to your operational modes

System Struc­ture GRID-DETECT

Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT system structure
  1. IR cameras + VIS cameras built in protective housing on pan-tilt head with junction box

  2. Parameterization, supervision, operation, display, evaluation and playback on standard PC at different sites and levels

  3. System 1

  4. System n

  5. Camera

  6. Camera

  7. Buzzer

  8. RTH

  9. Substation

  10. RTH

  11. Junction box

  12. Junction box

  13. 19" main cabinet

  14. TCP / IP

  15. TCP / IP

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

Would You Like to Know More?

It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

United States
InfraTec infrared LLC1900 West Loop South Suite 155077027 HoustonUNITED STATES

Construc­tion / Design

  • Reliable 19"-industrial standard main cabinet

  • Protective housing and pan-tilt head designed to withstand the harsh environmental conditions

  • Infrared cameras VarioCAM® HD head and VarioCAM® HDx head with (640 × 480) / (1,280 × 960) IR pixels guarantee long-term exact and reliable temperature measurements

  • Nearly maintenance-free, no wearing parts

  • Decentralized installable components (IR cameras, VIS- cameras, PC, alarm unit), fiber optic cable for interference-free data transmission

  • TCP / IP based flexible structure allows customized adaption to the specific substation situations

  • Easy to use GRID-DETECT software allows flexible customization

InfraTec infrared camera VarioCAM HD head and VarioCAM HDx head

Easy to use GRID-DETECT Soft­ware Allows Flex­ible Custom­iz­a­tion

Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT software
Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT software
Automation InfraTec GRID-DETECT software

Product Flyer

Get all the information you need at a glance in our product flyers

InfraTec GRID-DETECT Flyer
InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

InfraTec Service – Technical Support

Our Company’s own service department accompanies you even with complex automation solutions far beyond the actual sale. In the event of malfunctions, your enquiry is forwarded directly to the employees via a hotline. By remote maintenance, you will receive an initial diagnosis. Together with you, we analyse the cause of the problem and quickly find a solution.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

InfraTec Service – Technical Support

Our Company’s own service department accompanies you even with complex automation solutions far beyond the actual sale. In the event of malfunctions, your enquiry is forwarded directly to the employees via a hotline. By remote maintenance, you will receive an initial diagnosis. Together with you, we analyse the cause of the problem and quickly find a solution.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

Use of GRID-DETECT for these Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions

thermal imaging for security tasks

Security Applications

For observation tasks for applications - like investigation, remote surveillance, border guard and the protection of critical infrastructure - powerful infrared cameras are becoming increasingly indispensable today.

thermal imaging in chemical industry

Chem­ical Industry

Systematically control reactive process heat and display with infrared camera systems of InfraTec.

All branches and application areas

Infrared Cameras for GRID-DETECT

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HD head 900

Image Format(2,048 x 1,536) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HDx head 600

Image Format(640 x 480) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

InfraTec Infrared camera
System Cameras

VarioCAM® HD head 800

Image Format(1,024 x 768) IR Pixel
Detector typeUncooled Microbolometer Focal Plane Array

Fairs and Trade Shows



2025-03-27 - 2025-03-27
Bremen, Germany

Presentation by Torsten König
"Hochauflösende Infrarot-Kameratechnologie für die Thermografie an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen"
Time: 11:40 am

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Logo PCIM Europe

PCIM Europe

2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Nuremberg, Germany

Vortrag von Steffen Sturm

"Lock-In Thermography for Failure Inspection in Electronics"

Zeit: 06.05.2025, 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Exhibitor Stage, Halle 5/ 215



2025-03-27 - 2025-03-27
Bremen, Germany

Presentation by Torsten König
"Hochauflösende Infrarot-Kameratechnologie für die Thermografie an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen"
Time: 11:40 am

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Logo PCIM Europe

PCIM Europe

2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Nuremberg, Germany

Vortrag von Steffen Sturm

"Lock-In Thermography for Failure Inspection in Electronics"

Zeit: 06.05.2025, 14:10 - 14:30 Uhr

Ort: Exhibitor Stage, Halle 5/ 215

Show all events