Note­book-supported High-Speed Data Acquis­i­tion

Innov­ative and Secure Data Trans­mis­sion Using 10 GigE Tech­no­logy

Thermographic systems are moving towards more and more increasing higher pixel numbers. Nowadays cameras are even available with detectors of up to (2,560 × 2,048) IR pixels. Not only the number of pixels has increased, but also the frame rates. For example, systems with cooled detectors (quantum detectors) can achieve full frame rates of approx. 1 kHz at an image size of (640 x 512) IR pixels. Even higher frame rates are expected in the future.

Thermografie-Kameraserie ImageIR® mit neuer 10 GigE-Schnittstelle

InfraTec offers the advantage of direct notebook-supported real-time data acquisition and processing. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to achieve loss-free and reliable transmission of measurement data. Given that the advantages outweigh those of other data transmission technologies, InfraTec has decided to use the 10 GigE technology. InfraTec has raised this limit to about 1 kHz in VGA mode by means of an innovative and loss-free algorithm for data compression as well as the speed advantages of the 10 GigE interface in principle. Today's computer systems are capable of processing these data volumes without any loss. Even complex real-time image processing is feasible with these systems.

In addition, 10 GigE technology also allows secure and interference-free transfer of data generated at the highest frame rates and detector formats to a notebook computer. Thereby over several hundred metres can be bridged by using inexpensive and robust fibre optic cables (multimode). Thus, expensive and heavy CAMLink cables with limited cable length (maximum approx. 5 m) as well as expensive framegrabbers (only compatible with desktop PCs) are made a thing of the past. High-speed real-time data transmission eliminates all restrictions on system flexibility caused by limited camerainternal storage and likewise there is no need for expensive external storage media. In comparison, CoaXPress as an alternative would only allow cable lengths of approx. (30 … 40) m for the required data rates.

Over­view of Advant­ages

  • Large quantities of measurement data can be stored directly on a standard notebook

  • Instant data transmission with the possibility of real-time processing

  • Uncomplicated data transfer over long distances feasible (up to several hundred metres)

  • Mobile system concept

  • Inexpensive, light, flexible and interference-proof transmission medium

  • Highest frame rates without the need of camera internal memory

  • No expensive Framegrabber required

  • Further developments of software, firmware and peripheral technology can be implemented independently of each other, ensuring that best in class technology can be deployed in every part of the system

  • In system solutions, an even higher degree of peripheral flexibility without impairing the image data throughput can be build up via individual interface solutions of a PC. This can be realised independently of the camera

Further inform­a­tion about camera series ImageIR®

A Jays Fly Recorded with ImageIR® 8300 hp

Relevant Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions

thermal imaging in electronics

Elec­tronics & Elec­trical Engin­eering

Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras.

thermal imaging for automotive applications

Auto­motive Industry

Infrared camera systems help you to secure a high product quality in production and at your suppliers.

thermal imaging in aviation

Aerospace Industry

Comply with highest security demands by applying state-of-the-art infrared camera systems.

All branches and application areas

Thermography Cameras using 10 GigE Tech­no­logy*

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8300

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT or InSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8300 hs

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeT2SLS or InSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
Zoom Cameras

ImageIR® 8300 Z

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
Zoom Cameras

ImageIR® 9300 Z

Image Format(1,280 x 1,024) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 8800

Image Format(1,280 x 1,024) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9400 hs

Image Format(640 x 512) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9400

Image Format(2,560 x 2,048) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9400 hp

Image Format(2,560 x 2,048) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 9500

Image Format(2,560 x 1,440) IR Pixel
Detector typeMCT

InfraTec Infrared camera
High-end Cameras

ImageIR® 10300

Image Format(1,920 x 1,536) IR Pixel
Detector typeInSb

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

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It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

United States
InfraTec infrared LLC1900 West Loop South Suite 155077027 HoustonUNITED STATES

Further Glossary Items relating to High-Speed Data Acquis­i­tion

InfraTec thermography - High-speed Mode

High-speed Mode – Increase Frame Rate and Sens­it­ivity

Due to the binning technology, infrared cameras have two speed modes – the standard mode and the high-speed mode, in which the frame rate increases more than three times. The field of view remains constant in both modes, so the scene captured by the camera does not change. In high-speed mode, the thermal resolution also increases by a factor of two.

HighSense for thermographic camera series ImageIR®

High­Sense – Always the Optimal Camera Setting

Thanks to HighSense, ImageIR® users have the option of setting up individual measuring ranges based on the factory calibration that best suit the respective task. Depending on the measuring task, the required temperature range can be selected and the optimum integration time for this purpose is calculated – or one decides to proceed in reverse order. Thus, the calibration can be retained even in the case of changed integration times.

Thermography with ImageIR series - HDR feature - Picture credits: © / Vershinin M

HDR – Simultaneous Mapping of Wide Temperature Ranges

The High Dynamic Range (HDR) function of the Infrared ImageIR® camera series enables measurement scenarios with extremely different temperatures to be recorded continuously. When recording in HDR mode, multiple thermograms with different integration times and different filters are recorded quickly in succession and compiled into an overall image with a high dynamic range. The measuring range can span up to 1,500 K. Users obtain high-contrast images in a wide temperature range characterized by high measurement accuracy.

MicroScan feature ImageIR

Micro­Scan – Quad­ruple the Image Format

Behind the function is a fast-rotating MicroScan wheel, which is integrated into the camera. It ensures that four different individual exposures are taken per wheel revolution, which are offset laterally by half a pixel each. In this way, thermography achieves a new quality due to thermal images providing a quadrupled spatial resolution.

Significantly extended temperature range using the MIT function

Multi Integration Time (MIT)

To measure temperatures spanning more than one calibration range requires the acquisition of multiple thermograms with different calibrations. This can be achieved by using our Multi Integration Time feature (MIT). This function increases the dynamic range up to 16 bit and significantly extends the temperature measurement ranges.

Thermal image during ignition of an airbag  Image Small

Window Mode (Subwin­dowing) – Capture of Rapid Sequences

The thermal imaging camera can be operated in full, half, quarter and sub mode. With the camera control software, it is possible to use the extended subwindowing function. Using click-and-drag, freely definable sections can be set up quickly and conveniently. A defined sub-frame of the detector is picked out to achieve these extremely high refresh rates.