Thermal Image

A thermal image can be captured with a infrared camera. To acquire the thermal image, the infrared radiation, which is generated by the heat of an object, is recorded by a thermographic camera. Every object with a temperature higher than absolute zero emits infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye.

Circuit board ImageIR® 10300

Displaying Temper­ature Distri­bu­tion by Means of a Thermal Image

With the aid of the software series IRBIS® 3 by InfraTec you can evaluate and document thermal images effectively and comfortably. These thermograms are displayed in a so-called false colour image. A specific temperature is assigned to every point on the thermogram. The temperatures are then displayed as a specific colour, which is determined by the selected colour palette. Numerous operations to evaluate thermographic images are available, for instance the designation of measurement fields, the display of temperature profiles or the display of minimum and maximum temperatures.

Thermal image of a drive
Thermal image of a drive
Thermal image of a board
Thermal image of a board
Thermal image of a wheel
Thermal image of a wheel
Thermography software IRBIS 3 from InfraTec
Auswertung von Wärmebildern mit der Thermografie-Auswertesoftware von InfraTec

Optimisation of Thermal Images

The combination of the detector used, geometric and thermal resolution and high-intensity precision optics enables highly precise and razor-sharp thermal images. The greater the geometric resolution of the detector, the more pixels the thermal image contains. InfraTec offers a wide range of high-resolution products in its camera range.

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

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Further Inform­a­tion about Thermal Images

Extensive evaluation is possible with further features and options. The modular software concept of the IRBIS® 3 series allows an individual and customised software layout for every application field and is therefore suited for the universal evaluation of all different types of thermal images. Multiple software packages, tailored for different performance levels, are available: IRBIS® 3, IRBIS® 3 plus and IRBIS® 3 professional.

InfraTec also offers an evaluation package for thermographic construction analysis by means of thermal investigation with the software FORNAX 2. This package is based on an implemented material- and climatic database and therefore allows extensive construction calculations and evaluations.

Over­view of ther­mo­grapic soft­ware

InfraTec Cameras for the Acquisition of Thermal Images

High End Camera Series ImageIR from InfraTec

High-end Cameras

The high-end thermographic systems of the product series ImageIR® are designed for highly demanding applications in the field of research and development, for non-destructive testing as well as process monitoring. They are based on a modular design concept enabling excellent adjustment to the respective applications. The optical channel consists of an interchangeable infrared lens as well as application-specifically usable apertures, filters, reference and optical elements. Highly accurate robust precision engineering in combination with computer-controlled sensors and actuating elements ensure radiometric stability amongst all application conditions. Cooled focal plane array detectors of different types (InSb, MCT) come into operation working in snapshot mode. The detector assortment ranges from formats with (320 x 256) IR pixels up to (2,560 × 2,048) IR pixels. Depending on the type of detector and camera equipment, frame rates up to 25,000 Hz can be achieved.

InfraTec infrared compact cameras - slider

Compact Cameras

The compact cameras are the smallest infrared cameras in InfraTec's portfolio. Designed for universal use, they enable users to enter stationary thermography at an excellent price-performance ratio. Compact dimensions, low weight and the equipment with modern interfaces as well as the supplied Software Development Kit (SDK) facilitate integration into existing system environments.

InfraTec - VarioCAM HD head and VarioCAM HDx head

System Cameras

The system cameras from InfraTec have a wide range of interchangeable lenses and, in addition to compact housing dimensions, have a robust construction with a degree of protection up to IP67. All system camera series are available in numerous equipment and performance variants and enable customised thermography solutions.

High End Camera Series ImageIR from InfraTec

High-end Cameras

The high-end thermographic systems of the product series ImageIR® are designed for highly demanding applications in the field of research and development, for non-destructive testing as well as process monitoring. They are based on a modular design concept enabling excellent adjustment to the respective applications. The optical channel consists of an interchangeable infrared lens as well as application-specifically usable apertures, filters, reference and optical elements. Highly accurate robust precision engineering in combination with computer-controlled sensors and actuating elements ensure radiometric stability amongst all application conditions. Cooled focal plane array detectors of different types (InSb, MCT) come into operation working in snapshot mode. The detector assortment ranges from formats with (320 x 256) IR pixels up to (2,560 × 2,048) IR pixels. Depending on the type of detector and camera equipment, frame rates up to 25,000 Hz can be achieved.

InfraTec infrared compact cameras - slider

Compact Cameras

The compact cameras are the smallest infrared cameras in InfraTec's portfolio. Designed for universal use, they enable users to enter stationary thermography at an excellent price-performance ratio. Compact dimensions, low weight and the equipment with modern interfaces as well as the supplied Software Development Kit (SDK) facilitate integration into existing system environments.

InfraTec - VarioCAM HD head and VarioCAM HDx head

System Cameras

The system cameras from InfraTec have a wide range of interchangeable lenses and, in addition to compact housing dimensions, have a robust construction with a degree of protection up to IP67. All system camera series are available in numerous equipment and performance variants and enable customised thermography solutions.

Relevant Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions for Thermography

Active Thermography - Picture Credits: © Rainer /

Active Ther­mo­graphy

Make use of active thermography for non-destructive and contact-free material testing, for both automated inline and offline solutions.

additive manufacturing

Additive Manu­fac­turing

By in-line monitoring of thermal process parameters, infrared cameras from InfraTec support the optimisation of additive manufacturing processes.

thermography for aerial photography

Aerial Ther­mo­graphy

Detect persons and objects in the field or monitor wide-area geologic properties or environmental damages.

All branches and application areas

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Automated Solutions by InfraTec - Picture Credits: © / ToddMedia

Auto­mated Solu­tions from InfraTec

Automated thermographic solutions from InfraTec provide you with reliable information about even the smallest temperature developments and distributions – efficiently and cost-effectively. Based on our proven modular system, we configure a system for you that is tailored to your specific requirements. All components such as thermographic cameras, transmission and display devices, industrial PC and software are suitable for continuous industrial operation. You can use ATEX-certified protective housings and pan/tilt heads wherever the ambient conditions require it.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

Automated Solutions by InfraTec - Picture Credits: © / ToddMedia

Auto­mated Solu­tions from InfraTec

Automated thermographic solutions from InfraTec provide you with reliable information about even the smallest temperature developments and distributions – efficiently and cost-effectively. Based on our proven modular system, we configure a system for you that is tailored to your specific requirements. All components such as thermographic cameras, transmission and display devices, industrial PC and software are suitable for continuous industrial operation. You can use ATEX-certified protective housings and pan/tilt heads wherever the ambient conditions require it.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

Further Glossary Items relating to Thermal Image

infrared cameras

Thermal Camera, Infrared Camera | Thermography Knowledge

A thermal camera – also called IR camera, thermal imaging camera or infrared camera – is a measuring instrument used for non-contact measurements of the surface temperature of objects.

infrared cameras

Infrared Thermography Theory - Physical Basics | InfraTec GmbH

The principle of infrared thermography is based on the physical phenomenon that any body of a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15 °C) emits electromagnetic radiation. 

Long-range thermal imaging zoom cameras from InfraTec

Thermal Zoom Cameras | InfraTec thermography knowledge

Depending on the infrared zoom camera configuration chosen it may be possible to detect humans beyond 15 km distance, ground vehicles or small boats beyond 20 km, larger ships or vessels and aircraft beyond 30 km.

infrared cameras

Thermal Camera, Infrared Camera | Thermography Knowledge

A thermal camera – also called IR camera, thermal imaging camera or infrared camera – is a measuring instrument used for non-contact measurements of the surface temperature of objects.

infrared cameras

Infrared Thermography Theory - Physical Basics | InfraTec GmbH

The principle of infrared thermography is based on the physical phenomenon that any body of a temperature above absolute zero (-273.15 °C) emits electromagnetic radiation. 

Long-range thermal imaging zoom cameras from InfraTec

Thermal Zoom Cameras | InfraTec thermography knowledge

Depending on the infrared zoom camera configuration chosen it may be possible to detect humans beyond 15 km distance, ground vehicles or small boats beyond 20 km, larger ships or vessels and aircraft beyond 30 km.